
A very simple example of a network event.


This object exists purely for instructional purposes. It is primarily geared toward developers that wish to understand the inner-working of Torque 3D’s networking system. This is not intended for actual game development.


static void SimpleMessageEvent::msg(NetConnection con, string message)

Send a SimpleMessageEvent message to the specified connection. The far end that receives the message will print the message out to the console.

  • con – The unique ID of the connection to transmit to
  • message – The string containing the message to transmit


// Send a message to the other end of the given
NetConnectionSimpleMessageEvent::msg( %conn, "A message from me!");

// The far end will see the following in the console
// (Note: The number may be something other than 1796 as it is the SimObjectID
// of the received event)
// RMSG 1796  A message from me!