
This section is dedicated to the various camera objects in Torque 3D. The base Camera object that is typically manipulated by a GameConnection’s input. A Path Camera moves along a path.


void setDefaultFov(float defaultFOV)

Set the default FOV for a camera.

Parameters:defaultFOV – The default field of view in degrees
void setFov(float FOV)

Set the FOV of the camera.

Parameters:FOV – The camera’s new FOV in degrees
void setZoomSpeed(int speed)

Set the zoom speed of the camera. This affects how quickly the camera changes from one field of view to another.

Parameters:speed – The camera’s zoom speed in ms per 90deg FOV change


enum CameraMotionMode

Movement behavior type for Camera.

  • Stationary – Camera does not rotate or move.
  • FreeRotate – Camera may rotate but does not move.
  • Fly – Camera may rotate and move freely.
  • OrbitObject – Camera orbits about a given object. Damage flash and white out is determined by the object being orbited. See Camera::setOrbitMode() to set the orbit object and other parameters.
  • OrbitPoint – Camera orbits about a given point. See Camera::setOrbitMode() to set the orbit point and other parameters.
  • TrackObject – Camera always faces a given object. See Camera::setTrackObject() to set the object to track and a distance to remain from the object.
  • Overhead – Camera moves in the XY plane.
  • EditOrbit – Used by the World Editor to orbit about a point. When first activated, the camera is rotated to face the orbit point rather than move to it.


int Camera::extendedMovePosRotIndex

The ExtendedMove position/rotation index used for camera movements.

float Camera::movementSpeed

Global camera movement speed in units/s (typically m/s), with a base value of 40.

Used in the following camera modes:

  • Edit Orbit Mode
  • Fly Mode
  • Overhead Mode