
Stores and controls the rendering and status information for a game level.



Stores and controls the rendering and status information for a game level.


  visibleDistance = "1000";
  fogColor = "0.6 0.6 0.7 1";
  fogDensity = "0";
  fogDensityOffset = "700";
  fogAtmosphereHeight = "0";
  canvasClearColor = "0 0 0 255";
  canSaveDynamicFields = "1";
  levelName = "Blank Room";
  desc0 = "A blank room ready to be populated with Torque objects.";
  Enabled = "1";


bool LevelInfo::advancedLightmapSupport

Enable expanded support for mixing static and dynamic lighting (more costly).

EaseF LevelInfo::ambientLightBlendCurve

Interpolation curve to use for blending from one ambient light color to a different one.

float LevelInfo::ambientLightBlendPhase

Number of seconds it takes to blend from one ambient light color to a different one.

ColorI LevelInfo::canvasClearColor

The color used to clear the background before the scene or any GUIs are rendered.

float LevelInfo::decalBias

NearPlane bias used when rendering Decal and DecalRoad . This should be tuned to the visibleDistance in your level.

float LevelInfo::fogAtmosphereHeight

A height in meters for altitude fog falloff.

ColorF LevelInfo::fogColor

The default color for the scene fog.

float LevelInfo::fogDensity

The 0 to 1 density value for the exponential fog falloff.

float LevelInfo::fogDensityOffset

An offset from the camera in meters for moving the start of the fog effect.

float LevelInfo::nearClip

Closest distance from the camera’s position to render the world.

SFXAmbience LevelInfo::soundAmbience

The global ambient sound environment.

SFXDistanceModel LevelInfo::soundDistanceModel

The distance attenuation model to use.

float LevelInfo::visibleDistance

Furthest distance fromt he camera’s position to render the world.