
Shows the health or energy value of the current PlayerObjectType control object.



Shows the health or energy value of the current PlayerObjectType control object.

This gui can be configured to display either the health or energy value of the current Player Object. It can use an alternate display color if the health or drops below a set value. It can also be set to pulse if the health or energy drops below a set value. This control only works if a server connection exists and it’s control object is a PlayerObjectType. If either of these requirements is false, the control is not rendered.


   fillColor = "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5"; // Fills with a transparent black colorframeColor = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"; // Solid white frame colortextColor = "0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0"// Solid green text colorwarningColor = "1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0"; // Solid red color, used when damagedshowFill = "true";
   showFrame = "true";
   showTrueValue = "false";
   showEnergy = "false";
   warnThreshold = "50";
   pulseThreshold = "25";
   pulseRate = "500";
   profile = "GuiBigTextProfile";


ColorF GuiHealthTextHud::fillColor

Color for the background of the control.

ColorF GuiHealthTextHud::frameColor

Color for the control’s frame.

int GuiHealthTextHud::pulseRate

Speed at which the control will pulse.

float GuiHealthTextHud::pulseThreshold

Health level at which to begin pulsing.

bool GuiHealthTextHud::showEnergy

If true, display the energy value rather than the damage value.

bool GuiHealthTextHud::showFill

If true, draw the background.

bool GuiHealthTextHud::showFrame

If true, draw the frame.

bool GuiHealthTextHud::showTrueValue

If true, we don’t hardcode maxHealth to 100.

ColorF GuiHealthTextHud::textColor

Color for the text on this control.

ColorF GuiHealthTextHud::warningColor

Color for the text when health is low.

float GuiHealthTextHud::warnThreshold

The health level at which to use the warningColor.