
Covers the ground in a field of objects (IE: Grass, Flowers, etc).



Covers the ground in a field of objects (IE: Grass, Flowers, etc).


RectF GroundCover::billboardUVs[8]

Subset material UV coordinates for this cover billboard.

float GroundCover::clumpExponent[8]

An exponent used to bias between the minimum and maximum clump counts for a particular clump.

float GroundCover::clumpRadius[8]

The maximum clump radius.

float GroundCover::dissolveRadius

This is less than or equal to radius and defines when fading of cover elements begins.

int GroundCover::gridSize

The number of cells per axis in the grid.

bool GroundCover::invertLayer[8]

Indicates that the terrain material index given in ‘layer’ is an exclusion mask.

string GroundCover::layer[8]

Terrain material name to limit coverage to, or blank to not limit.

bool GroundCover::lockFrustum

Debug parameter for locking the culling frustum which will freeze the cover generation.

string GroundCover::Material

Material used by all GroundCover segments.

float GroundCover::maxBillboardTiltAngle

The maximum amout of degrees the billboard will tilt down to match the camera.

int GroundCover::maxClumpCount[8]

The maximum amount of elements in a clump.

int GroundCover::maxElements

The maximum amount of cover elements to include in the grid at any one time.

float GroundCover::maxElevation[8]

The maximum world space elevation for placement.

float GroundCover::maxSlope[8]

The maximum slope angle in degrees for placement.

int GroundCover::minClumpCount[8]

The minimum amount of elements in a clump.

float GroundCover::minElevation[8]

The minimum world space elevation for placement.

bool GroundCover::noBillboards

Debug parameter for turning off billboard rendering.

bool GroundCover::noShapes

Debug parameter for turning off shape rendering.

float GroundCover::probability[8]

The probability of one cover type verses another (relative to all cover types).

float GroundCover::radius

Outer generation radius from the current camera position.

float GroundCover::reflectScale

Scales the various culling radii when rendering a reflection. Typically for water.

bool GroundCover::renderCells

Debug parameter for displaying the grid cells.

int GroundCover::seed

This RNG seed is saved and sent to clients for generating the same cover.

float GroundCover::shapeCullRadius

This is the distance at which DTS elements are completely culled out.

filename GroundCover::shapeFilename[8]

The cover shape filename. [Optional].

bool GroundCover::shapesCastShadows

Whether DTS elements should cast shadows or not.

float GroundCover::sizeExponent[8]

An exponent used to bias between the minimum and maximum random sizes.

float GroundCover::sizeMax[8]

The maximum random size of this cover type.

float GroundCover::sizeMin[8]

The minimum random size for each cover type.

Point2F GroundCover::windDirection

The direction of the wind.

float GroundCover::windGustFrequency

Controls how often the wind gust peaks per second.

float GroundCover::windGustLength

The length in meters between peaks in the wind gust.

float GroundCover::windGustStrength

The maximum distance in meters that the peak wind gust will displace an element.

float GroundCover::windScale[8]

The wind effect scale.

float GroundCover::windTurbulenceFrequency

Controls the overall rapidity of the wind turbulence.

float GroundCover::windTurbulenceStrength

The maximum distance in meters that the turbulence can displace a ground cover element.

float GroundCover::zOffset

Offset along the Z axis to render the ground cover.