
A strip shaped decal defined by spine nodes which clips against Terrain objects.



A strip shaped decal defined by spine nodes which clips against Terrain objects.

DecalRoad is for representing a road or path ( or other inventive things ) across a TerrainBlock. It renders as a decal and is therefore only for features that do not need geometric depth.

The Material assigned to DecalRoad should tile vertically.


void DecalRoad::postApply()

Intended as a helper to developers and editor scripts. Force trigger an inspectPostApply. This will transmit the material and other fields ( not including nodes ) to client objects.

void DecalRoad::regenerate()

Intended as a helper to developers and editor scripts. Force DecalRoad to update it’s spline and reclip geometry.


float DecalRoad::breakAngle

Angle in degrees - DecalRoad will subdivided the spline if its curve is greater than this threshold.

bool DecalRoad::discardAll[static]

For use by the Decal Editor.

bool DecalRoad::EditorOpen[static]

For use by the Decal Editor.

string DecalRoad::Material

Material used for rendering.

string DecalRoad::Node

Do not modify, for internal use.

int DecalRoad::renderPriority

DecalRoad(s) are rendered in descending renderPriority order.

bool DecalRoad::showBatches[static]

For use by the Decal Editor.

bool DecalRoad::showRoad[static]

For use by the Decal Editor.

bool DecalRoad::showSpline[static]

For use by the Decal Editor.

float DecalRoad::textureLength

The length in meters of textures mapped to the DecalRoad .

int DecalRoad::updateDelay[static]

For use by the Decal Editor.

bool DecalRoad::wireframe[static]

For use by the Decal Editor.