
An emitter to replicate fxFoliageItem objects across an area.



An emitter to replicate fxFoliageItem objects across an area.


int fxFoliageReplicator::AllowedTerrainSlope

Maximum surface angle allowed for foliage instances.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::AllowOnStatics

Foliage will be placed on Static shapes when set.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::AllowOnTerrain

Foliage will be placed on terrain when set.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::AllowOnWater

Foliage will be placed on/under water when set.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::AllowWaterSurface

Foliage will be placed on water when set. Requires AllowOnWater.

float fxFoliageReplicator::AlphaCutoff

Minimum alpha value allowed on foliage instances.

int fxFoliageReplicator::CullResolution

Minimum size of culling bins. Must be gt = 8 and lt = OuterRadius.

float fxFoliageReplicator::DebugBoxHeight

Height multiplier for drawn culling bins.

float fxFoliageReplicator::FadeInRegion

Region beyond ViewDistance where foliage fades in/out.

float fxFoliageReplicator::FadeOutRegion

Region before ViewClosest where foliage fades in/out.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::FixAspectRatio

Maintain aspect ratio of image if true. This option ignores MaxWidth.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::FixSizeToMax

Use only MaxWidth and MaxHeight for billboard size. Ignores MinWidth and MinHeight.

int fxFoliageReplicator::FoliageCount

Maximum foliage instance count.

filename fxFoliageReplicator::FoliageFile

Image file for the foliage texture.

int fxFoliageReplicator::FoliageRetries

Number of times to try placing a foliage instance before giving up.

float fxFoliageReplicator::GroundAlpha

Alpha of the foliage at ground level. 0 = transparent, 1 = opaque.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::HideFoliage

Foliage is hidden when set to true.

int fxFoliageReplicator::InnerRadiusX

Placement area inner radius on the X axis.

int fxFoliageReplicator::InnerRadiusY

Placement area inner radius on the Y axis.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::LightOn

Foliage should be illuminated with changing lights when true.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::LightSync

Foliage instances have the same lighting when set and LightOn is set.

float fxFoliageReplicator::lightTime

Time before foliage illumination cycle repeats.

float fxFoliageReplicator::MaxHeight

Maximum height of foliage billboards.

float fxFoliageReplicator::MaxLuminance

Maximum luminance for foliage instances.

float fxFoliageReplicator::MaxSwayTime

Maximum sway cycle time in seconds.

float fxFoliageReplicator::MaxWidth

Maximum width of foliage billboards.

float fxFoliageReplicator::MinHeight

Minimum height of foliage billboards.

float fxFoliageReplicator::MinLuminance

Minimum luminance for foliage instances.

float fxFoliageReplicator::MinSwayTime

Minumum sway cycle time in seconds.

float fxFoliageReplicator::MinWidth

Minimum width of foliage billboards.

float fxFoliageReplicator::OffsetZ

Offset billboards by this amount vertically.

int fxFoliageReplicator::OuterRadiusX

Placement area outer radius on the X axis.

int fxFoliageReplicator::OuterRadiusY

Placement area outer radius on the Y axis.

int fxFoliageReplicator::PlacementAreaHeight

Height of the placement ring in world units.

ColorF fxFoliageReplicator::PlacementColour

Color of the placement ring.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::RandomFlip

Randomly flip billboards left-to-right.

int fxFoliageReplicator::seed

Random seed for foliage placement.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::ShowPlacementArea

Draw placement rings when set to true.

float fxFoliageReplicator::SwayMagFront

Front-to-back sway magnitude.

float fxFoliageReplicator::SwayMagSide

Left-to-right sway magnitude.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::SwayOn

Foliage should sway randomly when true.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::SwaySync

Foliage instances should sway together when true and SwayOn is enabled.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::UseCulling

Use culling bins when enabled.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::UseDebugInfo

Culling bins are drawn when set to true.

bool fxFoliageReplicator::useTrueBillboards

Use camera facing billboards ( including the z axis ).

float fxFoliageReplicator::ViewClosest

Minimum distance from camera where foliage appears.

float fxFoliageReplicator::ViewDistance

Maximum distance from camera where foliage appears.