
Abstract base class for representing a body of water.



Abstract base class for representing a body of water.

WaterObject is abstract and may not be created. It defines functionality shared by its derived classes.

WaterObject exposes many fields for controlling it visual quality.

WaterObject surface rendering has the following general features:

It will, however, look significantly different depending on the LightingManager that is active. With Basic Lighting, we do not have a prepass texture to lookup per-pixel depth and therefore cannot use our rendering techniques that depend on it.

In particular, the following field groups are not used under Basic Lighting:

WaterObject also defines several fields for gameplay use and objects that support buoyancy.


ColorI WaterObject::baseColor

Changes color of water fog.

float WaterObject::clarity

Relative opacity or transparency of the water surface.

string WaterObject::cubemap

Cubemap used instead of reflection texture if fullReflect is off.

float WaterObject::density

Affects buoyancy of an object, thus affecting the Z velocity of a player (jumping, falling, etc.

float WaterObject::depthGradientMax

Depth in world units, the max range of the color gradient texture.

filename WaterObject::depthGradientTex

1D texture defining the base water color by depth

float WaterObject::distortEndDist

Max distance that distortion algorithm is performed. The lower, the more distorted the effect.

float WaterObject::distortFullDepth

Determines the scaling down of distortion in shallow water.

float WaterObject::distortStartDist

Determines start of distortion effect where water surface intersects the camera near plane.

bool WaterObject::emissive

When true the water colors don’t react to changes to environment lighting.

float WaterObject::foamAmbientLerp
Point2F WaterObject::foamDir[2]
float WaterObject::foamMaxDepth
float WaterObject::foamOpacity[2]
float WaterObject::foamRippleInfluence
float WaterObject::foamSpeed[2]
filename WaterObject::foamTex

Diffuse texture for foam in shallow water (advanced lighting only).

Point2F WaterObject::foamTexScale[2]

applied to the surface.

float WaterObject::fresnelBias

Extent of fresnel affecting reflection fogging.

float WaterObject::fresnelPower

Measures intensity of affect on reflection based on fogging.

bool WaterObject::fullReflect

Enables dynamic reflection rendering.

string WaterObject::liquidType

Liquid type of WaterBlock , such as water, ocean, lava Currently only Water is defined and used.

float WaterObject::overallFoamOpacity
float WaterObject::overallRippleMagnitude

Master variable affecting entire surface.

float WaterObject::overallWaveMagnitude

Master variable affecting entire body of water’s undulation.

float WaterObject::reflectDetailAdjust

scale up or down the detail level for objects rendered in a reflection

float WaterObject::reflectivity

Overall scalar to the reflectivity of the water surface.

int WaterObject::reflectMaxRateMs

Affects the sort time of reflected objects.

bool WaterObject::reflectNormalUp

always use z up as the reflection normal

float WaterObject::reflectPriority

Affects the sort order of reflected objects.

int WaterObject::reflectTexSize

The texture size used for reflections (square).

Point2F WaterObject::rippleDir[3]

Modifies the direction of ripples on the surface.

float WaterObject::rippleMagnitude[3]

Intensifies the vertext modification of the surface.

float WaterObject::rippleSpeed[3]

Modifies speed of surface ripples.

filename WaterObject::rippleTex

Normal map used to simulate small surface ripples.

Point2F WaterObject::rippleTexScale[3]

Intensifies the affect of the normal map applied to the surface.

SFXAmbience WaterObject::soundAmbience

Ambient sound environment when listener is submerged.

ColorF WaterObject::specularColor

Color used for specularity on the water surface ( sun only ).

float WaterObject::specularPower

Power used for specularity on the water surface ( sun only ).

ColorI WaterObject::underwaterColor

Changes the color shading of objects beneath the water surface.

bool WaterObject::useOcclusionQuery

turn off reflection rendering when occluded (delayed).

float WaterObject::viscosity

Affects drag force applied to an object submerged in this container.

float WaterObject::waterFogDensity

Intensity of underwater fogging.

float WaterObject::waterFogDensityOffset

Delta, or limit, applied to waterFogDensity.

Point2F WaterObject::waveDir[3]

Direction waves flow toward shores.

float WaterObject::waveMagnitude[3]

Height of water undulation.

float WaterObject::waveSpeed[3]

Speed of water undulation.

float WaterObject::wetDarkening

The refract color intensity scaled at wetDepth.

float WaterObject::wetDepth

The depth in world units at which full darkening will be received, giving a wet look to objects underwater.