



A Trigger is a volume of space that initiates script callbacks when objects pass through the Trigger.

TriggerData provides the callbacks for the Trigger when an object enters, stays inside or leaves the Trigger’s volume.


int Trigger::getNumObjects()

Get the number of objects that are within the Trigger’s bounds.

int Trigger::getObject(int index)

Retrieve the requested object that is within the Trigger’s bounds.

Parameters:index – Index of the object to get (range is 0 to getNumObjects()-1)
Returns:The SimObjectID of the object, or -1 if the requested index is invalid.
void Trigger::onAdd(int objectId)

Called when the Trigger is being created.

Parameters:objectId – the object id of the Trigger being created
void Trigger::onRemove(int objectId)

Called just before the Trigger is deleted.

Parameters:objectId – the object id of the Trigger being deleted


string Trigger::enterCommand

The command to execute when an object enters this trigger. Object id stored in %obj. Maximum 1023 characters.

string Trigger::leaveCommand

The command to execute when an object leaves this trigger. Object id stored in %obj. Maximum 1023 characters.

floatList Trigger::polyhedron

Defines a non-rectangular area for the trigger. Rather than the standard rectangular bounds, this optional parameter defines a quadrilateral trigger area. The quadrilateral is defined as a corner point followed by three vectors representing the edges extending from the corner.

string Trigger::tickCommand

The command to execute while an object is inside this trigger. Maximum 1023 characters.