
Definition of a named texture target playing a Theora video.



TheoraTextureObject defines a named texture target that may play back a Theora video. This texture target can, for example, be used by materials to texture objects with videos.


// The object that provides the video texture and controls its playback.
singleton TheoraTextureObject( TheVideo )
   // Unique name for the texture target for referencing in materials.
   texTargetName = "video";

   // Path to the video file.
   theoraFile = "./MyVideo.ogv";

// Material that uses the video texture.
singleton Material( TheVideoMaterial )
   // This has to reference the named texture target defined by the
   // TheoraTextureObjects texTargetName property.  Prefix with # to
   // identify as texture target reference.
   diffuseMap[ 0 ] = "#video";


void TheoraTextureObject::pause()

Pause playback of the video.

void TheoraTextureObject::play()

Start playback of the video.

void TheoraTextureObject::stop()

Stop playback of the video.


bool TheoraTextureObject::loop

Should the video loop.

SFXDescription TheoraTextureObject::SFXDescription

Sound description to use for the video’s audio channel. If not set, will use a default one.

string TheoraTextureObject::texTargetName

Name of the texture target by which the texture can be referenced in materials.

filename TheoraTextureObject::theoraFile

Theora video file to play.