
The TerrainMaterial class orginizes the material settings for a single terrain material layer.



The TerrainMaterial class orginizes the material settings for a single terrain material layer.


// Created by the Terrain Painter tool in the World EditornewTerrainMaterial()
   internalName = "grass1";
   diffuseMap = "art/terrains/Test/grass1";
   detailMap = "art/terrains/Test/grass1_d";
   detailSize = "10";
   isManaged = "1";
   detailBrightness = "1";
   Enabled = "1";
   diffuseSize = "200";


float TerrainMaterial::detailDistance

Changes how far camera can see the detail map rendering on the material.

filename TerrainMaterial::detailMap

Detail map for the material.

float TerrainMaterial::detailSize

Used to scale the detail map to the material square.

float TerrainMaterial::detailStrength

Exponentially sharpens or lightens the detail map rendering on the material.

filename TerrainMaterial::diffuseMap

Base texture for the material.

float TerrainMaterial::diffuseSize

Used to scale the diffuse map to the material square.

float TerrainMaterial::macroDistance

Changes how far camera can see the Macro map rendering on the material.

filename TerrainMaterial::macroMap

Macro map for the material.

float TerrainMaterial::macroSize

Used to scale the Macro map to the material square.

float TerrainMaterial::macroStrength

Exponentially sharpens or lightens the Macro map rendering on the material.

filename TerrainMaterial::normalMap

Bump map for the material.

float TerrainMaterial::parallaxScale

Used to scale the height from the normal map to give some self occlusion effect (aka parallax) to the terrain material.

bool TerrainMaterial::useSideProjection

Makes that terrain material project along the sides of steep slopes instead of projected downwards.