
A global light affecting your entire scene and optionally renders a corona effect.



A global light affecting your entire scene and optionally renders a corona effect.

Sun is both the directional and ambient light for your entire scene.


ColorF Sun::ambient

Color shading applied to surfaces not in direct contact with light source, such as in the shadows or interiors.

void Sun::animate

animate( F32 duration, F32 startAzimuth, F32 endAzimuth, F32 startElevation, F32 endElevation )

void Sun::apply
Point3F Sun::attenuationRatio

The proportions of constant, linear, and quadratic attenuation to use for the falloff for point and spot lights.

float Sun::azimuth

The horizontal angle of the sun measured clockwise from the positive Y world axis.

float Sun::brightness

Adjust the Sun’s global contrast/intensity.

bool Sun::castShadows

Enables/disables shadows cast by objects due to Sun light.

ColorF Sun::color

Color shading applied to surfaces in direct contact with light source.

filename Sun::cookie

A custom pattern texture which is projected from the light.

bool Sun::coronaEnabled

Enable or disable rendering of the corona sprite.

string Sun::coronaMaterial

Texture for the corona sprite.

float Sun::coronaScale

Controls size the corona sprite renders, specified as a fractional amount of the screen height.

ColorF Sun::coronaTint

Modulates the corona sprite color ( if coronaUseLightColor is false ).

bool Sun::coronaUseLightColor

Modulate the corona sprite color by the color of the light ( overrides coronaTint ).

float Sun::elevation

The elevation angle of the sun above or below the horizon.

float Sun::fadeStartDistance

Start fading shadows out at this distance. 0 = auto calculate this distance.

float Sun::flareScale

Changes the size and intensity of the flare.

LightFlareData Sun::flareType

Datablock for the flare produced by the Sun .

bool Sun::includeLightmappedGeometryInShadow

This light should render lightmapped geometry during its shadow-map update (ignored if ‘representedInLightmap’ is false).

bool Sun::lastSplitTerrainOnly

This toggles only terrain being rendered to the last split of a PSSM shadow map.

float Sun::logWeight

The logrithmic PSSM split distance factor.

int Sun::numSplits

The logrithmic PSSM split distance factor.

Point4F Sun::overDarkFactor

The ESM shadow darkening factor.

bool Sun::representedInLightmap

This light is represented in lightmaps (static light, default: false).

ColorF Sun::shadowDarkenColor

The color that should be used to multiply-blend dynamic shadows onto lightmapped geometry (ignored if ‘representedInLightmap’ is false).

float Sun::shadowDistance

The distance from the camera to extend the PSSM shadow.

float Sun::shadowSoftness
ShadowType Sun::shadowType

The type of shadow to use on this light.

int Sun::texSize

The texture size of the shadow map.