
is created from.



Acts as the physical point in space in white a Splash is created from.


float SplashData::acceleration

Constant acceleration value to place upon the splash effect.

ColorF SplashData::colors[4]

Color values to set the splash effect, rgba. Up to 4 allowed. Will transition through colors based on values set in the times value. Example: colors[0] = “0.6 1.0 1.0 0.5”.

int SplashData::delayMS

Time to delay, in milliseconds, before actually starting this effect.

int SplashData::delayVariance

Time variance for delayMS.

float SplashData::ejectionAngle

Rotational angle to create a splash ring.

float SplashData::ejectionFreq

Frequency in which to emit splash rings.

ParticleEmitterData SplashData::emitter[3]

List of particle emitters to create at the point of this Splash effect.

ExplosionData SplashData::Explosion

ExplosionData object to create at the creation position of this splash effect.

float SplashData::height

Height for the splash to reach.

int SplashData::lifetimeMS

Lifetime for this effect, in milliseconds.

int SplashData::lifetimeVariance

Time variance for lifetimeMS.

int SplashData::numSegments

Number of ejection points in the splash ring.

float SplashData::ringLifetime

Lifetime, in milliseconds, for a splash ring.

Point3F SplashData::scale

The scale of this splashing effect, defined as the F32 points X, Y, Z.

SFXProfile SplashData::soundProfile

SFXProfile effect to play.

float SplashData::startRadius

Starting radius size of a splash ring.

float SplashData::texFactor

Factor in which to apply the texture to the splash ring, 0.0f - 1.0f.

filename SplashData::texture[2]

Imagemap file to use as the texture for the splash effect.

float SplashData::texWrap

Amount to wrap the texture around the splash ring, 0.0f - 1.0f.

float SplashData::times[4]

Times to transition through the splash effect. Up to 4 allowed. Values are 0.0 - 1.0, and corrispond to the life of the particle where 0 is first created and 1 is end of lifespace.

float SplashData::velocity

Velocity for the splash effect to travel.

float SplashData::width

Width for the X and Y coordinates to create this effect within.