
Physics object.



Defines the physics properties for an individual RigidShapeData physics object.


datablock RigidShapeData( BouncingBoulder )
   category = "RigidShape";

   shapeFile = "~/data/shapes/boulder/boulder.dts";
   emap = true;

   // Rigid Bodymass = 500;
   massCenter = "0 0 0";    // Center of mass for rigid bodymass
   Box = "0 0 0";         // Size of box used for moment of inertia,
                          // if zero it defaults to object bounding box
   drag = 0.2;                // Drag coefficientbodyFriction = 0.2;
   bodyRestitution = 0.1;
   minImpactSpeed = 5;        // Impacts over this invoke the script callback
   softImpactSpeed = 5;       // Play SoftImpact Sound
   hardImpactSpeed = 15;      // Play HardImpact Sound
   integration = 4;           // Physics integration: TickSec/Rate
   collisionTol = 0.1;        // Collision distance
   tolerancecontactTol = 0.1; // Contact velocity toleranceminRollSpeed = 10;

   maxDrag = 0.5;
   minDrag = 0.01;

   dustHeight = 10;

   dragForce = 0.05;
   vertFactor = 0.05;


float RigidShapeData::bodyFriction

How much friction this object has. Lower values will cause the object to appear to be more slippery.

float RigidShapeData::bodyRestitution

The percentage of kinetic energy kept by this object in a collision.

float RigidShapeData::cameraDecay

Scalar rate at which the third person camera offset decays, per tick.

float RigidShapeData::cameraLag

Scalar amount by which the third person camera lags the object, relative to the object’s linear velocity.

float RigidShapeData::cameraOffset

The vertical offset of the object’s camera.

bool RigidShapeData::cameraRoll

Specifies whether the camera’s rotation matrix, and the render eye transform are multiplied during camera updates.

float RigidShapeData::collisionTol

Collision distance tolerance.

float RigidShapeData::contactTol

Contact velocity tolerance.

float RigidShapeData::dragForce

Used to simulate the constant drag acting on the object.

ParticleEmitterData RigidShapeData::dustEmitter

Array of pointers to ParticleEmitterData datablocks which will be used to emit particles at object/terrain contact point.

float RigidShapeData::dustHeight

Height of dust effects.

ParticleEmitterData RigidShapeData::dustTrailEmitter

Particle emitter used to create a dust trail for the moving object.

SFXTrack RigidShapeData::exitingWater

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when emerging from water.

float RigidShapeData::exitSplashSoundVelocity

The minimum velocity at which the exit splash sound will be played when emerging from water.

SFXTrack RigidShapeData::hardImpactSound

Sound to play when body impacts with at least hardImpactSpeed.

float RigidShapeData::hardImpactSpeed

Minimum speed at which the object must be travelling for the hard impact sound to be played.

float RigidShapeData::hardSplashSoundVelocity

The minimum velocity at which the hard splash sound will be played when impacting water.

SFXTrack RigidShapeData::impactWaterEasy

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when a soft impact with water occurs.

SFXTrack RigidShapeData::impactWaterHard

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when a hard impact with water occurs.

SFXTrack RigidShapeData::impactWaterMedium

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when a medium impact with water occurs.

int RigidShapeData::integration

Number of physics steps to process per tick.

Point3F RigidShapeData::massBox

Size of inertial box.

Point3F RigidShapeData::massCenter

Center of mass for rigid body.

float RigidShapeData::maxDrag

Maximum drag available to this object.

float RigidShapeData::mediumSplashSoundVelocity

The minimum velocity at which the medium splash sound will be played when impacting water.

float RigidShapeData::minDrag

Minimum drag available to this object.

float RigidShapeData::minImpactSpeed

Minimum collision speed to classify collision as impact (triggers onImpact on server object).

float RigidShapeData::minRollSpeed
SFXTrack RigidShapeData::softImpactSound

Sound to play when body impacts with at least softImageSpeed but less than hardImpactSpeed.

float RigidShapeData::softImpactSpeed

Minimum speed at which this object must be travelling for the soft impact sound to be played.

float RigidShapeData::softSplashSoundVelocity

The minimum velocity at which the soft splash sound will be played when impacting water.

ParticleEmitterData RigidShapeData::splashEmitter[2]

Array of pointers to ParticleEmitterData datablocks which will generate splash effects.

float RigidShapeData::splashFreqMod

The simulated frequency modulation of a splash generated by this object. Multiplied along with speed and time elapsed when determining splash emition rate.

float RigidShapeData::splashVelEpsilon

The threshold speed at which we consider the object’s movement to have stopped when updating splash effects.

float RigidShapeData::triggerDustHeight

Maximum height from the ground at which the object will generate dust.

float RigidShapeData::vertFactor

The scalar applied to the vertical portion of the velocity drag acting on a object.

SFXTrack RigidShapeData::waterWakeSound

The AudioProfile will be used to produce sounds when a water wake is displayed.