
Contains information for how specific particles should look and react including particle colors, particle imagemap, acceleration value for individual particles and spin information.



Contains information for how specific particles should look and react including particle colors, particle imagemap, acceleration value for individual particles and spin information.


datablock ParticleData( GLWaterExpSmoke )
   textureName = "art/shapes/particles/smoke";
   dragCoefficient = 0.4;
   gravityCoefficient = -0.25;
   inheritedVelFactor = 0.025;
   constantAcceleration = -1.1;
   lifetimeMS = 1250;
   lifetimeVarianceMS = 0;
   useInvAlpha = false;
   spinSpeed = 1;
   spinRandomMin = -200.0;
   spinRandomMax = 200.0;

   colors[0] = "0.1 0.1 1.0 1.0";
   colors[1] = "0.4 0.4 1.0 1.0";
   colors[2] = "0.4 0.4 1.0 0.0";

   sizes[0] = 2.0;
   sizes[1] = 6.0;
   sizes[2] = 2.0;

   times[0] = 0.0;
   times[1] = 0.5;
   times[2] = 1.0;


void ParticleData::reload()

Reloads this particle.


// Get the editors current particle
%particle = PE_ParticleEditor.currParticle

// Change a particle value
%particle.setFieldValue( %propertyField, %value );

// Reload it


bool ParticleData::animateTexture

If true, allow the particle texture to be an animated sprite.

string ParticleData::animTexFrames

A list of frames and/or frame ranges to use for particle animation if animateTexture is true. Each frame token must be separated by whitespace. A frame token must be a positive integer frame number or a range of frame numbers separated with a ‘-‘. The range separator, ‘-‘, cannot have any whitspace around it. Ranges can be specified to move through the frames in reverse as well as forward (eg. 19-14). Frame numbers exceeding the number of tiles will wrap.


animTexFrames = "0-16 20 19 18 17 31-21";
string ParticleData::animTexName

Texture file to use for this particle if animateTexture is true. Deprecated. Use textureName instead.

Point2I ParticleData::animTexTiling

The number of frames, in rows and columns stored in textureName (when animateTexture is true). A maximum of 256 frames can be stored in a single texture when using animTexTiling. Value should be “NumColumns NumRows”, for example “4 4”.

ColorF ParticleData::colors[4]

Particle RGBA color keyframe values. The particle color will linearly interpolate between the color/time keys over the lifetime of the particle.

float ParticleData::constantAcceleration

Constant acceleration to apply to this particle.

float ParticleData::dragCoefficient

Particle physics drag amount.

int ParticleData::framesPerSec

If animateTexture is true, this defines the frames per second of the sprite animation.

float ParticleData::gravityCoefficient

Strength of gravity on the particles.

float ParticleData::inheritedVelFactor

Amount of emitter velocity to add to particle initial velocity.

int ParticleData::lifetimeMS

Time in milliseconds before this particle is destroyed.

int ParticleData::lifetimeVarianceMS

Variance in lifetime of particle, from 0 - lifetimeMS.

float ParticleData::sizes[4]

Particle size keyframe values. The particle size will linearly interpolate between the size/time keys over the lifetime of the particle.

float ParticleData::spinRandomMax

Maximum allowed spin speed of this particle, between spinRandomMin and 1000.

float ParticleData::spinRandomMin

Minimum allowed spin speed of this particle, between -1000 and spinRandomMax.

float ParticleData::spinSpeed

Speed at which to spin the particle.

Point2F ParticleData::textureCoords[4]

4 element array defining the UV coords into textureName to use for this particle. Coords should be set for the first tile only when using animTexTiling; coordinates for other tiles will be calculated automatically. “0 0” is top left and “1 1” is bottom right.

string ParticleData::textureName

Texture file to use for this particle.

float ParticleData::times[4]

Time keys used with the colors and sizes keyframes. Values are from 0.0 (particle creation) to 1.0 (end of lifespace).

bool ParticleData::useInvAlpha

Controls how particles blend with the scene. If true, particles blend like ParticleBlendStyle NORMAL, if false, blend like ParticleBlendStyle ADDITIVE.

float ParticleData::windCoefficient

Strength of wind on the particles.