
A window with a title bar and an optional set of buttons.



The GuiWindowCtrl class implements windows that can be freely placed within the render window. Additionally, the windows can be resized and maximized/minimized.


newGuiWindowCtrl( MyWindow )
   text = "My Window"; // The text that is displayed on the title bar.
   resizeWidth = true; // Allow horizontal resizing by user via mouse.
   resizeHeight = true; // Allow vertical resizing by user via mouse.
   canClose = true; // Display a close button in the title bar.
   canMinimize = true; // Display a minimize button in the title bar.
   canMaximize = true; // Display a maximize button in the title bar.


static void GuiWindowCtrl::attach(GuiWindowCtrl bottomWindow, GuiWindowCtrl topWindow)

Attach bottomWindow to so that bottomWindow moves along with topWindow when it is dragged.

  • bottomWindow
  • topWindow
void GuiWindowCtrl::attachTo(GuiWindowCtrl window)
void GuiWindowCtrl::onClose()

Called when the close button has been pressed.

void GuiWindowCtrl::onCollapse()

Called when the window is collapsed by clicking its title bar.

void GuiWindowCtrl::onMaximize()

Called when the window has been maximized.

void GuiWindowCtrl::onMinimize()

Called when the window has been minimized.

void GuiWindowCtrl::onRestore()

Called when the window is restored from minimized, maximized, or collapsed state.

void GuiWindowCtrl::selectWindow()

Bring the window to the front.

void GuiWindowCtrl::setCollapseGroup(bool state)

Set the window’s collapsing state.

void GuiWindowCtrl::toggleCollapseGroup()

Toggle the window collapsing.


bool GuiWindowCtrl::canClose

Whether the window has a close button.

bool GuiWindowCtrl::canCollapse

Whether the window can be collapsed by clicking its title bar.

bool GuiWindowCtrl::canMaximize

Whether the window has a maximize button.

bool GuiWindowCtrl::canMinimize

Whether the window has a minimize button.

bool GuiWindowCtrl::canMove

Whether the window can be moved by dragging its titlebar.

string GuiWindowCtrl::closeCommand

Script code to execute when the window is closed.

bool GuiWindowCtrl::edgeSnap

If true, the window will snap to the edges of other windows when moved close to them.

bool GuiWindowCtrl::resizeHeight

Whether the window can be resized vertically.

bool GuiWindowCtrl::resizeWidth

Whether the window can be resized horizontally.

string GuiWindowCtrl::text

Text label to display in titlebar.