
GUI Control which displays a numerical value which can be increased or decreased using a pair of bitmap up/down buttons.



This control uses the bitmap specified in it’s profile (GuiControlProfile::bitmapName). It takes this image and breaks up aspects of it to render the up and down arrows. It is also important to set GuiControlProfile::hasBitmapArray to true on the profile as well.

The bitmap referenced should be broken up into a 1 x 4 grid (using the top left color pixel as a border color between each of the images) in which it will map to the following places:


singleton GuiControlProfile (SliderBitmapGUIProfile)
   bitmap = "core/art/gui/images/sliderArray";
   hasBitmapArray = true;
   opaque = false;

   profile = "SliderBitmapGUIProfile";
   format = "%3.2f";
   range = "-1e+03 1e+03";
   increment = "0.1";
   focusOnMouseWheel = "0";
   bitmap = "";
   //Properties not specific to this control have been omitted from this example.


filename GuiTextEditSliderBitmapCtrl::bitmap


bool GuiTextEditSliderBitmapCtrl::focusOnMouseWheel

If true, the control will accept giving focus to the user when the mouse wheel is used.

string GuiTextEditSliderBitmapCtrl::format

Character format type to place in the control.

float GuiTextEditSliderBitmapCtrl::increment

How far to increment the slider on each step.

Point2F GuiTextEditSliderBitmapCtrl::range

Maximum vertical and horizontal range to allow in the control.