
A collapsable pane control.



This class wraps a single child control and displays a header with caption above it. If you click the header it will collapse or expand (if collapsable is enabled). The control resizes itself based on its collapsed/expanded size. In the GUI editor, if you just want the header you can make collapsable false. The caption field lets you set the caption; it expects a bitmap (from the GuiControlProfile) that contains two images - the first is displayed when the control is expanded and the second is displayed when it is collapsed. The header is sized based on the first image.


   caption = "Example Pane";
   collapsable = "1";
   barBehindText = "1";
   //Properties not specific to this control have been omitted from this example.


void GuiPaneControl::setCollapsed(bool collapse)

Collapse or un-collapse the control.

Parameters:collapse – True to collapse the control, false to un-collapse it


bool GuiPaneControl::barBehindText

Whether to draw the bitmapped pane bar behind the header text, too.

string GuiPaneControl::caption

Text label to display as the pane header.

string GuiPaneControl::captionID

String table text ID to use as caption string (overrides ‘caption’).

bool GuiPaneControl::collapsable

Whether the pane can be collapsed by clicking its header.