
A control for showing pages of options that are gamepad friendly.



Each row in this control allows the selection of one value from a set of options using the keyboard, gamepad or mouse. The row is rendered as 2 columns: the first column contains the row label, the second column contains left and right arrows (for mouse picking) and the currently selected value.


void GuiGameListOptionsCtrl::addRow(string label, string options, bool wrapOptions, string callback, int icon, int yPad, bool enabled)

Add a row to the list control.

  • label – The text to display on the row as a label.
  • options – A tab separated list of options.
  • wrapOptions – Specify true to allow options to wrap at each end or false to prevent wrapping.
  • callback – Name of a script function to use as a callback when this row is activated.
  • icon – [optional] Index of the icon to use as a marker.
  • yPad – [optional] An extra amount of height padding before the row. Does nothing on the first row.
  • enabled – [optional] If this row is initially enabled.
string GuiGameListOptionsCtrl::getCurrentOption(int row)

Gets the text for the currently selected option of the given row.

Parameters:row – Index of the row to get the option from.
Returns:A string representing the text currently displayed as the selected option on the given row. If there is no such displayed text then the empty string is returned.
bool GuiGameListOptionsCtrl::selectOption(int row, string option)

Set the row’s current option to the one specified.

  • row – Index of the row to set an option on.
  • option – The option to be made active.

True if the row contained the option and was set, false otherwise.

void GuiGameListOptionsCtrl::setOptions(int row, string optionsList)

Sets the list of options on the given row.

  • row – Index of the row to set options on.
  • optionsList – A tab separated list of options for the control.