


A container that scrolls its child control up over time.

This container can be used to scroll a single child control in either of the four directions.


// Create a GuiAutoScrollCtrl that scrolls a long text of credits.newGuiAutoScrollCtrl( CreditsScroller )
   position = "0 0";
   extent = Canvas.extent.x SPC Canvas.extent.y;

   scrollDirection = "Up"; // Scroll upwards.startDelay = 4; // Wait 4 seconds before starting to scroll.isLooping = false; // Dont loop the credits.scrollOutOfSight = true; // Scroll up fully.newGuiMLTextCtrl()
      text = $CREDITS;

function CreditsScroller::onComplete( %this )
   // Switch back to main menu after credits have rolled.
   Canvas.setContent( MainMenu );

// Start rolling credits.
Canvas.setContent( CreditsScroller );


void GuiAutoScrollCtrl::onComplete()

Called when the child control has been scrolled in entirety.

void GuiAutoScrollCtrl::onReset()

Called when the child control is reset to its initial position and the cycle starts again.

void GuiAutoScrollCtrl::onStart()

Called when the control starts to scroll.

void GuiAutoScrollCtrl::onTick()

Called every 32ms on the control.

void GuiAutoScrollCtrl::reset()

Reset scrolling.


int GuiAutoScrollCtrl::childBorder

Padding to put around child control (in pixels).

bool GuiAutoScrollCtrl::isLooping

If true, the scrolling will reset to the beginning once completing a cycle.

float GuiAutoScrollCtrl::resetDelay

Seconds to wait after scrolling completes before resetting and starting over.

GuiAutoScrollDirection GuiAutoScrollCtrl::scrollDirection

Direction in which the child control is moved.

bool GuiAutoScrollCtrl::scrollOutOfSight

If true, the child control will be completely scrolled out of sight; otherwise it will only scroll until the other end becomes visible.

float GuiAutoScrollCtrl::scrollSpeed

Scrolling speed in pixels per second.

float GuiAutoScrollCtrl::startDelay

Seconds to wait before starting to scroll.