
Stores properties for an individual debris type.



Stores properties for an individual debris type.

DebrisData defines the base properties for a Debris object. Typically you’ll want a Debris object to consist of a shape and possibly up to two particle emitters. The DebrisData datablock provides the definition for these items, along with physical properties and how a Debris object will react to other game objects, such as water and terrain.


datablock DebrisData(GrenadeDebris)
   shapeFile = "art/shapes/weapons/ramrifle/debris.dts";
   emitters[0] = GrenadeDebrisFireEmitter;
   elasticity = 0.4;
   friction = 0.25;
   numBounces = 3;
   bounceVariance = 1;
   explodeOnMaxBounce = false;
   staticOnMaxBounce = false;
   snapOnMaxBounce = false;
   minSpinSpeed = 200;
   maxSpinSpeed = 600;
   lifetime = 4;
   lifetimeVariance = 1.5;
   velocity = 15;
   velocityVariance = 5;
   fade = true;
   useRadiusMass = true;
   baseRadius = 0.3;
   gravModifier = 1.0;
   terminalVelocity = 20;
   ignoreWater = false;


float DebrisData::baseRadius

Radius at which the standard elasticity and friction apply. Only used when useRaduisMass is true.

int DebrisData::bounceVariance

Allowed variance in the value of numBounces. Must be less than numBounces.

float DebrisData::elasticity

A floating-point value specifying how ‘bouncy’ this object is. Must be in the range of -10 to 10.

ParticleEmitterData DebrisData::emitters[2]

List of particle emitters to spawn along with this debris object. These are optional. You could have Debris made up of only a shape.

bool DebrisData::explodeOnMaxBounce

If true, this debris object will explode after it has bounced max times. Be sure to provide an ExplosionData datablock for this to take effect.

ExplosionData DebrisData::Explosion

ExplosionData to spawn along with this debris object. This is optional as not all Debris explode.

bool DebrisData::fade

If true, this debris object will fade out when destroyed. This fade occurs over the last second of the Debris’ lifetime.

float DebrisData::friction

A floating-point value specifying how much velocity is lost to impact and sliding friction. Must be in the range of -10 to 10.

float DebrisData::gravModifier

How much gravity affects debris.

bool DebrisData::ignoreWater

If true, this debris object will not collide with water, acting as if the water is not there.

float DebrisData::lifetime

Amount of time until this debris object is destroyed. Must be in the range of 0 to 1000.

float DebrisData::lifetimeVariance

Allowed variance in the value of lifetime. Must be less than lifetime.

float DebrisData::maxSpinSpeed

Maximum speed that this debris object will rotate. Must be in the range of -10000 to 10000.

float DebrisData::minSpinSpeed

Minimum speed that this debris object will rotate. Must be in the range of -10000 to 1000, and must be less than maxSpinSpeed.

int DebrisData::numBounces

How many times to allow this debris object to bounce until it either explodes, becomes static or snaps (defined in explodeOnMaxBounce, staticOnMaxBounce, snapOnMaxBounce). Must be within the range of 0 to 10000.

filename DebrisData::shapeFile

Object model to use for this debris object. This shape is optional. You could have Debris made up of only particles.

bool DebrisData::snapOnMaxBounce

If true, this debris object will snap into a resting position on the last bounce.

bool DebrisData::staticOnMaxBounce

If true, this debris object becomes static after it has bounced max times.

float DebrisData::terminalVelocity

Max velocity magnitude.

string DebrisData::texture

Texture imagemap to use for this debris object. Not used any more.

bool DebrisData::useRadiusMass

Use mass calculations based on radius. Allows for the adjustment of elasticity and friction based on the Debris size.

float DebrisData::velocity

Speed at which this debris object will move.

float DebrisData::velocityVariance

Allowed variance in the value of velocity. Must be less than velocity.